In Memory

Robert Ernest Carignan, Jr.

Robert Ernest Carignan, Jr.

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08/04/13 04:55 PM #1    

Betty Dickens (Mannon)

Robert died in a car accident in which classmate Orrin Hank Lindberg was severely injured.

09/26/23 03:45 PM #2    

Karen Kathryn Carter

Bobby, I have missed you since you left West Point. When we were reunited in homeroom in 1971 at MAC, I was so joyful and surprised. You were too. Thank you for being my most powerful teacher, my childhood friend and my first lover.  Everything changed when we left SRSU and my father announced his decision to return to North Carolina. I know I would have been the driver that day in Bandera. Your life and Hank's life were precious to me. I am sorry I wasn't there for our Halloween hike. God, how I wish I had been the designated driver during that sunset drive! Thank you for visiting me so soon after your death  "down by the river" in Big Bend. Your words to me,  while I was dozing against that warm boulder, explained why you departed and why I was left here without you. We tend to forget those spiritual agreements when we come to earth. As you are well aware, my life changed when you departed. We will see each other again, wrapped in joy, when I cross that veil.

It is hard to be in San Antonio and attend our  high school reunions when you are no longer there....

You were the love of my life. I wish you bliss. Give my love to our fallen friends and to our families. ❤💔💜

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